Home for the national teams
ÅLANDHOTELS have three hotels in Mariehamn, Åland - Hotel Pommern, Hotel Savoy and Hotel Adlon.
Åland with its proximity to nature, sea and pleasure makes it a unique place to live. Below, you can get acquainted with Visit Åland’s collection of different accommodation options. Choose the accommodation that best suits your needs.
The competition site is located about 4-5 kilometers from the center of Mariehamn.
Remember to book your accommodation as soon as possible, as there is expected to be a high pressure on accommodation. Åland is a gem in the middle of the Baltic Sea and attracts many tourists all year round.
Welcome to the Åland islands!

Private individuals who rent out accommodation during the Nordic Championships 2022.
Do you have a apartment, cottage or other to rent out during the Nordic Championship 9 – 14 th of August? send us a e-mail.
If you want to live close to the nature and sea a cottage could suit your preferences. Majority of the cottages include a finnish sauna and have easy access to the sea.

Stay cinveniently in a hotel during your stay, the hotels in Mariehamn is close to competition area, museums, shopping and activities for the whole family.
A uniqe accommodation, a perfect place for rest and relaxation after a day at the competition area.
Find your uniqe stay at the link below.

Book a place at some of Ålands 20 camping sites, put up your tent or park your motorhome. The campingsites are located close to the sea and offers activities for the whole familiy.