Day 1 of the Nordic Championships 2022 started with the opening ceremony. Opening the ceremony was Infrastructure Minister Christian Wikström, from the Parliament of Åland. Welcome speeches were also given by chairperson of the Finnish Icelandic Horse Association Silvia Ufer, chairperson of the local club Àlenskur, Therese Ling, project manager Tarja Nordman, and the competition was officially opened by competition director Jens Andersén.

First classes were competed in T1 junior and young riders. Five riders competed in juniors, with Palma Jacobsen from Denmark taking the lead with Sjóli von Teland. Palma praided her horse’s presence during their performance, saying that Sjóli stayed with her the whole time and listened well. T1 Young Riders had 20 starts, with the highest scoring being Lowa Walfridsson from Sweden, riding Dögg från Väbylund, with a total of 7,13.
Junior and Young Riders continued in T2, where the last section is ridden without rein contact with the horse’s mouth. Taking the lead in junior’s was Óskar Kristjánsson from Denmark, riding Sólfaxi frá Sámsstöðum. This 11-year-old rider complemented his horse’s personality, and saying that today’s ride was mainly about getting to know the track and the place, making it comfortable for Sólfaxi. Young riders have Catharina Smidth in thel ead, with Nökkvi fra Ryethøj, scoring a total of 6,97 for their performance. Catharina has had Nökkvi for eight years and knows him well, and complements him for his amazing character and how he always likes to show off in competitions. Their T2 performance Catharina describes as safe and smooth, being very happy with it.

The day continued with five-gait for seniors, juniors and young riders. With steady performances from all riders, five-gait seniors had 11 starts, with Jón Stenild, team Denmark, scoring the highest points, with Eilífur fra Teglborg, a total of 7,57.
Juniors had three starts, with Tekla Petersson from Sweden, riding Vatnadís från Noastallet, scoring the highest with a total score of 6,67.Young riders had a total of 13 starts, with Smilla Beyer from Denmark riding Leó fra Nøddegården to the lead, with a score of 6,63.
All photos: Laura Sundholm & Jukka Heino